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Drop social media comparisons using self-compassion

Do you ever scroll through your social media channels, taking in perfectly filtered content, and think why can’t my life look like that? Social media can be a great place to connect, express creativity, and collect inspiration, but taking in the flawless feeds of influencers and highly curated accounts can often lead to unhelpful comparisons.
Comparing ourselves to others is natural and normal, but it can be pretty painful. Did you know that just by tapping into a little self-compassion, you can begin to drop the comparisons and focus on what really makes you shine? We’ve got evidence-based techniques that you can use to help you feel your best while scrolling social media.
How to tap into self-compassion as you scroll
- Begin to notice unhelpful thoughts. When using social media, start to notice the thoughts that come up. Do unhelpful thoughts arise like, “I’ll never look like that” or “My life is so boring”? Ouch! Once you’re able to notice these hurtful thoughts, remember that thoughts are not facts and try flipping them into more helpful, accurate ones like, “I actually really like the way I look!” or “I have a lot of fun with my friends.” It may feel forced at first, but simply noticing and negating unhelpful self-talk is a powerful way to help you feel your best.
- Do a self-care check-in. One of the most compassionate things you can do for yourself is to continuously check in on and advocate for your needs. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating nutritious meals? Have you moved your body recently? Have you spent time doing something that you enjoy?
- Tap into affirmations. Try speaking (silently or out loud) compassionate words and phrases to yourself for an instant boost. You can use affirmations like, “I accept and love myself exactly as I am” or “My best, whatever that looks like today, is enough.” You can also take time to write down your very own affirmations that you can turn to whenever you’re stuck in comparison. You can start with “I am [insert positive word]” and go from there.
- Take tech breaks. Social media platforms are designed to keep us scrolling so it’s easy to lose track of time. It can be helpful to create limits surrounding your devices and apps. Can you also designate screen-free times each day, like first thing in the morning and at bedtime, and no-screen zones in your home, like the kitchen table or the bedroom?
- Spring clean your feed. Just like you’d clean clutter from your physical space, take some time to tidy up your digital space. You can go through your feed and ask yourself what is bringing you joy, inspiring you, or helping you to feel more connected. And what content or accounts are bringing up unhelpful thoughts or feelings? Take some time to prune out what is no longer serving you by unfollowing, muting, or blocking.
- Do something to boost your mood. If social media has you feeling down, try taking a positive action to lift your spirits. What makes you feel your best? Could you put on your favorite playlist and dance it out, put on your favorite podcast and go for a nature walk, or call a friend and talk it through?
- Reach out for support. Remember that you’re not alone in struggling with social media comparisons. Consider reaching out to a trusted friend, a family member, or a mental health professional for support. The team at Bend is always here to help.
Social media can be a great tool for keeping us connected, but it can also lead us to compare our real, messy lives to other people’s highlight reels. Try taking tech breaks when you need them, noticing unhelpful thoughts of comparison, and offering up a little self-compassion to have a more positive social media experience.