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How to connect with your kid or teen on the Fourth of July




July 3, 2024

The Fourth of July is a wonderful time for celebrating independence and connecting as a family. And as with most holidays, the change in routine, loud noises, and large crowds can be overwhelming for some kids. 

That’s why the team at Bend is here to help you with talking points and creative ideas so that you can enjoy your time together this Independence Day. 


Talking to your child about Independence Day 

The 4th of July, also known as Independence Day, marks the day the United States gained independence from Great Britain in 1776. This holiday serves as a great opportunity to talk with kids and teens about the true meaning and history behind Independence Day, while acknowledging that the ways that we define freedom in our country can vary from person to person. Here are some talking points to get the conversation started. 

For younger children ask: 

  • “Is there anything that you’re feeling nervous or unsure about today?”

    For some kiddos all the noise and excitement can be overstimulating and cause anxiety. Let them know what the plan is for the day and that you’ve got their back if they need to step away from the crowds and loud noises.

  • “What is your favorite thing about where we live?” 

While this is a time for hot dogs, parades, and celebrating our independence, it is also a time for family and community. You can use this as an opportunity to make a gratitude list together. 

  • “What can we do to make our country an even better place for everyone?” 

You can make it an annual tradition to talk about what you value as a family and ways you can give back to your community and country as a family. Maybe you tidy up a local park, plant flowers, give funds to an advocacy group that you believe in, or donate items that you no longer need. 

For older children ask: 

  • “What do you think it means to have freedom?” 

This is an important time to discuss our country’s past and how not everyone living in the U.S. was free on the Fourth of July. You can also discuss how not all countries have independence and talk about the historical injustices that have marginalized certain communities within our country and across the globe. If they have questions about the history of the Fourth of July, you can use it as an opportunity to do the research together. 

  • “How can we work together as a family to help ensure everyone experiences freedom?” 

From learning more about local politics to volunteering with a non-profit whose mission speaks to your family, there are so many ways that you can all come together to make a difference. Take time to actively listen to your child or teen and ask curious questions about what they believe are important contributions that they can make to society. 

  • “What is one tradition that you’d like to start as a family?” 

One of the best ways to connect with one another is by establishing your very own family traditions. And the best news? It’s never too late to get started! Maybe you host a family BBQ, go watch the fireworks, visit a historical site, or do a craft together. There is no wrong or right way to do something that connects you with the ones you love. 

We are wishing you a peaceful holiday full of rest, relaxation, and connection. Remember that the team at Bend is always here to support your family.

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