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Holiday season tips for neurodivergent kids

The holidays are often filled with great excitement, but the frenzy of festivities can pose unique challenges for neurodivergent kids. To help you navigate this season and make it an enjoyable experience for your child, we've prepared some creative tips.
Prepare your child. Kickstart the holiday excitement early! Talk to your child about things like family meals, social gatherings, and holiday traditions. Give them space to ask questions and actively listen to their concerns. Watch themed movies or check out holiday-focused books from your local library to set the mood.
Embrace sensory needs. If your child is sensitive to noise or lights, consider daytime activities. Equip them with noise- canceling headphones to ease sensory challenges and be prepared to take breaks from social gatherings as needed.
Practice calming techniques. Encourage your child to tap into their senses anytime they feel overwhelmed. Ask them to take a few deep breaths and name one thing they smell, one thing they see, one thing they hear, one thing they taste, and one thing they are touching.
Provide clear communication. Give instructions that focus on one step at a time, both verbally and visually, clearly outline boundaries and expectations, and, if necessary, come up with a secret code so your child can signal to you that they need further clarification without feeling embarrassed.
Act out the routine. Get your child comfortable with upcoming events and traditions by practicing and acting out the process with friends or family beforehand.
Take your time. Try your best to maintain a patient and positive attitude, and allow yourself and your child to take their time as they navigate the excitement. Never pressure your child into activities that make them uneasy.
With some thoughtful planning, the holidays can be a wonderful experience for neurodivergent kids! Remember that the team at Bend is always here if you could use some extra support this season and beyond.